
Digital clock timer download free
Digital clock timer download free

digital clock timer download free

To start it press SPACE. For example you can set a 15 minute timer or whatever you need.Ģ. You can also use arrow keys on your keyboard. Do that by simply clicking on the numbers with your mouse.

digital clock timer download free

Timer works flawlessly and it will improve your event.Īs used on TEDxVienna and many other conferences around the world.ġ. Later it was shared with other TEDx organizers all across the globe and now it is here for you too. This free countdown timer is used on our practices and in LIVE events. We needed something that looks better and is easier to use. At the time the team was using a countdown clock that was made in PowerPoint and that simply did not cut it. It's designed as a quick and easy solution to remind you for an upcoming event.Įasy Timer is the right choice if you prefer a simple program to a complex one.Timer was originally developed for TEDxLjubljana. Helpful is the Analog Desktop Clock which displays every information that is needed like the current time, alarm time and the progress. You can set up the alarm sound (choose from over 35 pre-installed or use your own), how the clock looks (colors, size), the alarm behavior (alert until deactivated or repeat), optionally add a custom alert message and minimize the timer to the system tray. What makes Easy Timer special is that it's fully customizable. It has a very simple and minimalistic interface: Just set in how many minutes or at what exact time it should alert and press activate - done! Editor: Use Easy Timer as a very simple and intuitive Alarm Clock - It's uncomplicated, portable and free!Įasy Timer is an easy-to-use alarm clock.

Digital clock timer download free